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 设备 >> 制氮、制氧设备 >> 变压吸附制氧、PSA oxygen
变压吸附制氧、PSA oxygen
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PSA oxygen

4.1  空气压缩机 
空压机排出的压缩空气中含油量必须≤10ppm w/w,最好使用无油空压机。 
4.2  压缩空气预处理设备 
         压    力  ≥ 0.7Mpa , 
         残油含量  ≤ 0.008PPm, 
         机械杂质  ≤ 0.01mm   
        常压露点  ≤ —23℃ 
2. 工况条件 
电    源:3f380V、1f220V、50Hz 
 冷 却 水:水温:≤25℃,pH值:7~8,总硬度:≤3.2mmol/L, 
3. 设备安装 

PSA oxygen
  Pressure swing adsorption (PSA, VPSA) oxygen is a new high-tech equipment, it has a low equipment cost, small size, light weight, simple operation, easy maintenance, low operating costs, on-site oxygen fast, convenient switch, no pollution and other advantages. ASU oxygen equipment widely used in petrochemical, electric furnace steel, glass, paper, preparation of ozone, aquaculture, aerospace, medical care and other industries and fields, equipment operation and stability, safe and reliable, the majority of users of all ages .
2. PSA oxygen works:
     PSA oxygen machine is a molecular sieve adsorbent, the use of pressure adsorption, desorption principle buck adsorption and desorption of nitrogen from the air to separate the oxygen automation equipment. Zeolite is a kind of processed pass through a special treatment process, the surface and the interior covered with porous spherical particulate adsorbent white. Its features make it possible to pass to achieve O2, N2 separation kinetics. Separation of molecular sieves O2, N2 is based on small differences in kinetic diameter of these two gases, N2 molecules fast diffusion rate in the microporous molecular sieves, O2 molecular diffusion rate is slow. Water and compressed air in the diffusion of CO2 with nitrogen or less. Enrichment from the final out of the adsorption tower is molecular oxygen.
    PSA oxygen is the use of selective adsorption properties of molecular sieves, pressurized adsorption, desorption decompression cycle, the compressed air alternately into the adsorption tower to achieve air separation, thereby continuously output high purity oxygen product.
3. PSA oxygen basic process:
Compressor air is then compressed, after dust removal, degreasing, dry air entering the tank through the air inlet valve, the inlet valve into the left left adsorption column, column pressure increases, the compressed air is zeolite molecular nitrogen molecular sieve adsorption, unadsorbed oxygen passes through the adsorbent bed, left after production valve, the oxygen tank valve into the production of oxygen, a process known as the left suction, duration of tens of seconds. After completion of the process of absorbing the left, the left and right column adsorption adsorption column by equalizing valve in communication, so that the two column pressure equilibrium, a process known as grading, duration of 3 to 5 seconds. After equalizing the end of compressed air through the air inlet valve, the right intake valve into the right adsorber, compressed nitrogen molecules are molecular sieve adsorption, oxygen-enriched air valve through the right production, oxygen production valve into the oxygen tank this process is called a right suction, duration of tens of seconds. At the same time left oxygen adsorption by molecular sieve adsorption tower in the left exhaust valve is released back into the atmosphere among the buck, this process is called desorption. Conversely when the left and right column adsorption tower while also desorbed. For the molecular sieve is completely down release of nitrogen emissions into the atmosphere, the oxygen adsorption tower through a normally open purge valve purge are desorption tower blowing oxygen adsorption towers. This process is called blowback it and desorption are carried out simultaneously. Right after the end of the aspiration into the grading process, and then switch to the left suction process, it has been circulating continue.
Oxygen workflow is controlled by a programmable controller five two five-way pilot solenoid valve, controlled by a solenoid valve and then were seven pneumatic tube valve opening and closing to complete. Five two five-way pilot solenoid valve control the left suction, pressure equalization, the right suction state. Left suction, pressure equalization, the right time absorbing process has been stored in the programmable controller, in the off state, five two five-way solenoid pilot valve pilot gas valves are turned pneumatic tube closed mouth. When the process is left suction state, control of the left suction solenoid valve is energized, the pilot turned left air suction inlet valve, left suction valve production, the right to open the exhaust valve port, making it a three valve opens, complete the absorption process left , while the right column adsorption and desorption. When the equalizing process in the state, the equalizing control solenoid valve is energized, the other valve is closed; the pilot turned on the gas equalizing valve open mouth, so that the valve is open, complete grading process. When the suction flow in the right state, the right to control the suction solenoid valve is energized, the pilot turned the air sucked into the right valve, the right suction valve production, left open the exhaust valve port, making it a three valves open, the right to complete the absorption process while left adsorber desorption. Each process, in addition to the valves should be opened, other valves should be closed.
4. PSA oxygen system equipment
4.1 Air Compressor
Because PSA separating oxygen from air by pressure adsorption, desorption pressure direct preparation of oxygen from the air, so the air compressor to provide gas compression power source. Currently the main air compressor widely used screw air compressor and piston compressor two categories. Both compressors have their own characteristics, can be used for oxygen generation system. In general, the less wear and tear gas screw compressor, high gas production efficiency, low noise, small amount of maintenance, but compressed air is generally oil, the price is relatively high; the existing piston compressor oil-free and oil lubricating two types of oxygen systems for best supporting the use of oil-free air compressor.
Compressor displacement of oxygen according to specifications. In order not to make the general air compressor has been running at full capacity, there is a certain idle time is conducive to long-term effective use of air compressor, air compressor displacement in the choice of screw air compressor displacement than the general system gas is 10 to 15% oxygen machine requirements than the general requirements for the larger piston compressor displacement of 20 to 25%.
Rated compressor discharge pressure is preferably selected to be 0.5 ~ 0.7Mpa, discharge pressure is too high, too low are bad.
The oil content of the compressed air discharged from the compressor must ≤10ppm w / w, preferable to use oil-free compressor.
PSA oxygen system power consumption is the main equipment of air compressor power consumption.
4.2 Compressed air pretreatment equipment
Because the molecular sieve oxygen Host demanding quality compressed air, compressed air and gas temperature is high, and contains a lot of water and some dust, oil mist, so that the compressed air into oxygen before the host must be in addition to water, oil, dust and other processing equipment in this section is intended primarily for this purpose.
Compressed air purification treatment is essential, this user please do not ignore! Because the quality of compressed air purification process is directly related to the life of molecular sieve, which is directly related to long-term effective use of oxygen. Once the molecular sieve oil "poisoning" oxygen efficiency will decline, unable to reach the normal index.
In addition to the use of compressed air adsorption dryers water main. No heat regeneration adsorption dryer is the use of a renewable desiccant as adsorbent, using pressure changes, gas expansion and other principles, the use of pressure swing adsorption separation process water, compressed air moisture removed.
If you require oxygen dew point is not too low (≤-40 ℃ atmospheric pressure), you do not need adsorption dryer; if desired dew point low oxygen (≤-60 ℃ atmospheric pressure), you need to configure adsorption dryers. It has hot regenerated adsorption dryer and micro-thermal regeneration of two types, both have a certain loss of gas, generally used without heat regeneration dryer.
Compressed air degreasing, dust mainly uses different types of multi-stage precision filtration filter. Filter through activated carbon filter or by a number of microporous fibrous material to remove contaminants medium (water, oil, particulates, odors), all filters have a role in addition to water, oil, dust, but the main function of different filters in different categories. Mainly from the main line filter dust and liquid water in addition to the role; First filter plays a major role in oil; fine filter is a further major oil, medium oil content so little; activated carbon filter oil is mainly from the depth of the inter oil and adsorption of hydrocarbons, in addition to the role of smell. Filter configuration based primarily on the compressor discharge air quality may be. Configuring too little, not fully compressed air purification treatment, oxygen can not reach the quality requirements for compressed air, which is not allowed; configuration too much, although the effect of the compressed air, but will cause the pipeline gas pressure loss is more, but also result in high costs and unnecessary. In general, oil-free air compressor, you need to configure one to two filters, mainly dust, in addition to water; for oil air compressor, you need to configure three to four filters.
 Oxygen Host
PSA oxygen host compressed air requirements are as follows:
         Pressure ≥ 0.7Mpa,
         Residual oil content ≤ 0.008PPm,
         Mechanical impurities ≤ 0.01mm
        Pressure dew point ≤ -23 ℃
    Oxygen hosts generally consists of tanks, valves and piping cabinet composed of three parts, specifically including chassis, air buffer tank, oxygen buffer tank, adsorption tower, zeolite molecular sieves, gas distribution system, clamping device, pneumatic pipeline valve, solenoid valve, one-way pipeline valves, filter valves and other valves, PLC controller, high efficiency silencer, oxygen analyzer, flow meters, pressure gauges and other instruments, connecting pipe and other accessories.
2. Working conditions
Ambient temperature: ≤40 ℃
Relative Humidity: ≤65%
Feed air: mechanical impurities: ≤20mg / m3
          CO2 content: ≤250ppm
          C2H2 content: ≤0.5ppm
          CnHm content: ≤20ppm
          Excluding pungent odor and corrosive gases
Power source: 3f380V, 1f220V, 50Hz
 Cooling Water: Water temperature: ≤25 ℃, pH Value: 7-8, total hardness: ≤3.2mmol / L,
             Suspended solids content: ≤100mg / L, the water pressure: ≥0.2Mpa
3. device installation
 Equipment installed by the user is responsible, I am responsible for equipment installation guide.
After all the equipment in place, piping connections between devices based on the actual situation on-site configuration. All lines must be hard-wired (screwed or welded), by construction professionals, in order to avoid leakage phenomenon. Finished with oxygen outlets to
The system will lead to a power supply and cooling water equipment at the scene, ready distribution panels, cooling water supply facilities. Transformer supply facilities.

点击数:2656  录入时间:2008/12/22 【打印此页】 【关闭
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