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铜丝球键合焊配气、Copper ball bonding pads Valve
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Copper solder ball welding

    金价格日益高涨,用金量大的封装厂大喊吃不消,从首季财报中的毛利率侵蚀1~3个百分点可以看出,这也让寻求下一代替代材料的动作更加急迫。封装厂和设备商等双管齐下,近期加快脚步开发采用铜线(Copper Wire)取代金线的方式,期以降低材料成本压力。

    铜 线除了单价较金线为低之外,其导电性佳,尤其在高电流之下,业者往往用需要打数条金线,铜线具有导电性佳的优点,因此只需要接1条铜线,就能达到金线的导电水平,具有降低成本的作用。惟其缺点在于铜容易氧化、保存困难,这也是让铜线无法快速取代金线的主因。

1、  原料气;
       氮气压力                ≤0﹒5-0.8Mpa
       氢气压力                ≤0﹒5-0.8Mpa
2、  工作压力             ≤0﹒5-0.8MPa
3、  混合气流量              10M3/h
       混合气含氢量            0-15%

        混合气压力              ≤0﹒2MPa
      4、  装机功率                0﹒6KW                        
      5、  电源                    220V、50HZ
      6、  设备重量                约200Kg
1 调节阀;是本系统的控制机构,其动作直接受执行机构控制。是氢气、氮气混合配比的关键部件。
2 氢分仪;是本系统的检测机构(小流量计是氢分仪的流量控制器),显示配比气中的氢百分比含量,并把氢百分比含量转换成4-20的电流信号。
3 智能显示调节仪;是本系统的控制器,把氢分仪的电流信号与设定值比较计算,计算结果转换成执行器需要的4-20mA的电流信号。智能显示调节仪有混合气浓度报警输出.
4 电气转换器;是本系统的执行器,它的作用把控制器发来的控制信号转换成气压信号,推动控制机构动作。
5 过滤减压器;是电气转换器的气源,是保证电气转换器把接受控制器发来的控制信号转换成气压信号的关键部件。
6 混合罐;把氢气、氮气混合配比。
7 配比流量计;把混合配比气的流量显示出来。




Copper solder ball welding

    Rising gold prices, gold large packaging factory shouting too much, erosion of 1 to 3 percentage points from the first quarter earnings can be seen in the gross margin, which also seek to make the next generation of alternative materials more urgent action. Packaging plant and equipment providers and other two-pronged approach to accelerate the pace of the recent development of the use of copper (Copper Wire) gold substituted ways of reducing the material cost pressures.

    In addition to copper than the unit price of gold was lower than the electric conductivity good, especially under high current, the industry often need to fight with several gold, copper has the advantages of good electrical conductivity, and therefore only need to take a copper wire You can achieve the level of conductive gold thread, with lower cost of action. But their disadvantage is that copper is easily oxidized, save trouble, which is so rapidly replacing copper wire gold wire can not be the main reason.
     Copper is easily oxidized in air, so the copper must be stored in the box to reduce the oxidation of the environment, however, upon opening the package put on the wire bonders, copper is exposed to air oxidation and thus placed in the device on the life of copper, about 3-4 days, though studies have shown that prolonged exposure can still be used for welding, but because when the ball in the air formed by oxidation of the need for a serious inert gas environment, it is necessary on the device plus a copper dedicated device, this means the use of an inert gas such as nitrogen to protect the copper exposed to the air, but after adding 5% hydrogen mixed gas is more commonly used as a hydrogen atom and an oxygen atom can be the reaction can be removed copper oxidation, in order to surround the mixed gas is formed under the protection of copper balls, so the ignition rod designed a protective device so that the copper inside copper balls can be formed under a protective gas mixture.

working principle;
       This device is hydrogen by adjusting the valve, add nitrogen to obtain a stable hydrogen and nitrogen gas mixture having a certain percentage. On-demand adjustment.
 Main Specifications;
1, the raw material gas;
       Nitrogen pressure ≤0.5-0.8Mpa
       Hydrogen pressure ≤0.5-0.8Mpa
2, the working pressure ≤0.5-0.8MPa
3, the mixed gas flow 10M3 / h
       Mixed gas hydrogen content 0-15%

        Mixture pressure ≤0.2MPa
      4, installed power 0.6KW
      5, power supply 220V, 50HZ
      6, equipment weight about 200Kg
  The main equipment components and functions;
Control valve; the control mechanism of the system, which is directly affected by the operation of the actuator control. It is hydrogen, a key component ratio of nitrogen mix.
2 hydrogen partial meter; a detection means of the system (small flowmeter is hydrogen INSTRUMENT traffic controllers), show the percentage of the ratio of hydrogen gas content, and the percentage content of hydrogen is converted into a current signal 4-20.
3 smart display regulator; is the system controller, the hydrogen partial Instrument current signal with the set value comparison calculation, the calculation result is converted into a current signal 4-20mA actuator needed. Intelligent display regulator has mixed gas concentration alarm output.
4 electrical converters; the implementation of the present system, it is the role of the switch controller to send control signals to the pressure signal, push the control body movements.
Electrical converter gas source, is a key component to ensure electrical converter to accept the controller, the control signal into a pneumatic signal; 5 filter regulator.
6 mixing tank; the hydrogen, nitrogen mixing ratio.
7 ratio meter; the flow rate ratio of the mixed gas is displayed.
8 pressure controller, for nitrogen, hydrogen pressure alarm output.

After the original hydrogen shut-off valve, regulator valve, regulating valve regulates added nitrogen, the ratio of gas mixture through the mixing tank, mixing ratio of the gas mixture through a small flowmeter control the hydrogen partial cytometric analysis shows the percentage content of hydrogen, hydrogen iNSTRUMENT the percentage content of the hydrogen is converted into 4-20mA current signal, the intelligent display regulator hydrogen partial instrument current signal is compared with the set value calculation, calculation results are converted into 4-20mA current signal drives electrical converters, converted pressure signals, and adjusting the stroke of the valve spool is proportional to the pressure signal, so as to regulate the gas mixing ratio function stable mixture adjusted to the required flow rate. use to work through the outlet valve.

点击数:1550  录入时间:2009/8/25 【打印此页】 【关闭
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