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 设备 >> 水电解制氢设备 >> 水电解制氢控制系统、Water electrolysis hydrogen control system
水电解制氢控制系统、Water electrolysis hydrogen control system
规  格:
水电解制氢控制系统、Water electrolysis hydrogen control system


    1 测点设置:系统测点设置齐全,影响系统安全稳定运行的量均设置了上限或下限。除系统中的常规控制测点外,仪用气源压力设置控制测点,自动操作阀设有阀位反馈,使系统在水、电、气都合格的情况下运行,保证了阀门及仪表动作的正确性和出现故障时提示并在影响系统安全运行时联锁停机,保障系统安全运行。
    2 自动运行:系统只要具备开机条件,只需点击开车按钮,系统自动检测各参数的正确性,以最优值自动升压、升流,自动开启除盐水冷却装置,自动投运分析仪表,自动补水,系统全自动运行。氢气合格后自动充罐,罐压力到达定值时自动维持热备运行(小电流运行)或停车,停车后自动切断整流柜电源和工业冷却水,自动停运分析仪表。
   3.1 冗余设计。特殊参数的监控采用各自独立的硬件回路,关系到系统的安全运行的回路采用冗余;
   3.2 完善的联锁报警功能。与系统安全运行有关的参数均设置了报警和联锁功能,以保障系统安全运行,相应的调节上、下限,报警上、下限,联锁上、下限均可根据用户的需要进行在线调整。一旦系统发生超限联锁,则系统整流柜停机,且分阶段对系统进行安全降压,如果中途故障消除,则系统又会自动投入正常运行。
4 、人性化的人机界面

Water electrolysis hydrogen plant control system
    1 measuring point: System measuring points set up complete, safe and stable operation of the system affect the volume set upper or lower limit. In addition to the conventional control system measuring point, set the control instrument with air pressure measuring points, automatically operated valve is provided with valve position feedback, the system is running in the water, electricity and gas are qualified, to ensure the operation of valves and instrumentation correct and prompt interlock failure and downtime affecting the safe operation of the system, the security system safe operation.
    2 automatic operation: as long as the system is ready for start, just click the drive button, the system automatically detects the correctness of the parameters to optimal values ​​automatically boost, flow automatically open demineralized water cooling device, automatic analytical instruments put into operation, automatic replenishment, the system fully automatic operation. After passing the hydrogen tank automatic filling, tank pressure reaches the set value is automatically maintained when running Hot Standby (low current operation) or stop, automatically cut off the power supply and rectifier cabinet industrial cooling water, parking, automatic shutdown of the instrument.
3, security
   3.1 redundant design. Monitor specific parameters using separate hardware circuits, related to the safe operation of the loop system with redundant;
   3.2 perfect interlock alarm. Parameters related to the safe operation of the system are set up alarm and interlock functions, to ensure safe operation, the corresponding adjustment of the lower limit, the alarm, the lower limit, the interlock, the lower limit can be adjusted according to the needs of users online. Once the interlock system overrun occurs, the system rectifier cabinet down and secure the system in stages down, if the failure to eliminate the middle, the system will automatically put into normal operation.
4, user-friendly human-machine interface
   HMI points the main flow, dry purification process, histograms, trends, historical curve main screen and adjust the settings, rectifier settings, Interlock setting, alarm settings, print settings and other parameters set sprite, button consequences are operating fully understand the intent to facilitate the operation of the operating personnel in order to avoid misuse;
   All parameters related to the operation on the host computer can be easily configured and not cured within the next bit machine PLC program, although increasing the difficulty and cost of programming, but the maximum to meet the needs of system operation under different conditions and perfect, friendly man-machine interfaces;
All parameters related to the safe operation of the system are set upper and lower limits, exceeding the upper limit of the parameters of the system parameters are suggestive of illegal and inadmissible, avoid the occurrence of misuse. So that monitoring personnel can find the alarm information;
Automatic valves, pumps etc each set manual / automatic function, each alarm, interlock human shield can achieve without a key component problems still safe, automatic operation.
5, improve regulation strategy
   Adjustment policy of the system directly affects the quality of the system to adjust, stability and security, and therefore, in the programming session has given high priority to regulate, in the full study hydrogen plant adjustment features, and a comprehensive system regulating the relevant parameters after using a multi-impulse mode of regulation rather than a similar single-loop controller adjustment mode, the other relevant parameters were adjusted on full consideration, to develop and implement comprehensive strategies to adjust to the preparation of the program, with high quality hardware, the adjustment of the system is stable, reliable, and maximize the protection of the safety devices, automatic operation.


点击数:5478  录入时间:2010/4/7 【打印此页】 【关闭
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