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 设备 >> 水电解制氢设备 >> 制氢站电解槽大修Overhaul of Electrolyzer in hydrogen production station
制氢站电解槽大修Overhaul of Electrolyzer in hydrogen production station
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制氢电解槽大修Overhaul of Electrolyzer in hydrogen production station


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1  清扫总装场地,冲洗辅助器具,保证总装所需的环境条件。
3  备齐制氢电解槽大修工具及物品,包括专用底座、专用扳手、拉伸器、定位销、黄油、橡胶手套、百得胶、剪刀、铜丝刷等。
1. 将极板上的污物用铜丝刷刷净并用除盐水冲洗
2. 检查极板阳极的腐蚀情况及阴极的锈蚀情况
3. 检查并清理密封线,清理时只许用铜丝刷或木制工具 

1. 极板与附加板应连接牢固,无松动
4. 极板阳极侧镀镍无严重脱落或起皮现象
5. 极板密封线内无杂物,无穿透性横纹
6. 极板密封面不严度不准超过0.2mm
2. 检查导气管和碱液孔道
3. 清理极框密封线,清理时只许用铜丝刷或木制工具
4. 检查石棉布情况并做透气实验,如不合格应更换 

5. 极框的密封线无污物,无穿透性横纹
6. 极框的开口环到位,垫块牢固,无松动
7. 石棉布经透光实验后无透光点,无裂纹和松动现象
8. 极框导气孔及碱液孔道无污物堵塞
1.清洗拉紧螺栓及螺母的丝扣,除去锈蚀, 拉紧螺栓螺纹良好无乱丝扣
2. 检查盘形弹簧是否变形, 盘型弹簧无变形,无裂纹。并做金相检查
3. 检查胶木绝缘垫圈,应无断裂
4. 检查氢、氧、碱孔道,应无污物
1 将极框平放在工作台上,均匀沿极框内径辅放好,开口环辅好放在石棉布上,将石棉布拉紧卡具安装在隔膜框上,并箍住开口环,对称紧固拉紧卡具上的螺栓,测量各拉紧卡具两侧开口环凸出部分的差值不超过0.5mm,则石棉布安装成功。
4 清除氢、氧、碱孔道的石棉布碎片,保持其畅通。

2.1.5  制氢电解槽石棉隔膜布的处理
2.1.6  制氢电解槽镍丝网的处理  检查网片无缺陷,用铝排轻拍整平。  把正极网(光网)浸在水中用毛刷轻刷去除尘污,浸泡在洁净的水中待装。  配制8—12%NaOH水溶液(用比重计检查),以能浸没负极网为宜。按每次放2—3片、每隔2—3分钟一次的速度将负极网浸入碱液中进行活化处理。负极网在碱液中浸泡24小时后取出刷洗干净,再浸泡在洁净的水中待装。
2.1.7 拉紧螺栓和螺母的螺纹部位清洗后涂黄油,进行螺纹旋合试装和选项配,以手感松紧合适为宜,并作好配对标记或组合摆放待装。
2.1.8  检查碟簧、导向套、导向环有无缺陷并擦洗干净。按图纸要求的碟簧成组数和片数套装在导向套上,最后套装上导向环,按组存放待装。
2.1.9  按图纸要求截取绝缘套管,配制成所需长度成组存放待装。
2.2   制氢电解槽大修总装
2.2.1  各组承担的工作  极板组:备干净平台,上放橡胶板、干净毛刷、棉纱、药棉,刷去极板上灰尘。用酒精擦拭表面油污、锈斑。按左极板、右极板分别放置,按叠装要求取用。  镍网组:备干净平台、毛刷、胶手套、剪刀等,检查并修剪镍网的尖刺和扣结后,叠放在平台上取用。装负极网时,要认准活化面,按装配组要求摆好正反面交给装配组装配。装配时镍网尺寸需要修剪时,要离开槽体修剪,并清除残留在网上的断丝。  垫片组:装配过程中随时检查垫片上有无缺陷,刷去尘污,交装配组装配。  装配组:备好专用底座、定位圈、定位销,由总装负责人指挥,按图纸要求进行装配。
2.2.2 制氢电解槽大修叠装
2.2   制氢电解槽大修总装
2.2.1  各组承担的工作  极板组:备干净平台,上放橡胶板、干净毛刷、棉纱、药棉,刷去极板上灰尘。用酒精擦拭表面油污、锈斑。按左极板、右极板分别放置,按叠装要求取用。  镍网组:备干净平台、毛刷、胶手套、剪刀等,检查并修剪镍网的尖刺和扣结后,叠放在平台上取用。装负极网时,要认准活化面,按装配组要求摆好正反面交给装配组装配。装配时镍网尺寸需要修剪时,要离开槽体修剪,并清除残留在网上的断丝。  垫片组:装配过程中随时检查垫片上有无缺陷,刷去尘污,交装配组装配。  装配组:备好专用底座、定位圈、定位销,由总装负责人指挥,按图纸要求进行装配。
2.2.2 制氢电解槽大修叠装
2.2.3  装配记录:在叠装的同时要设专人检查、专人记录,边装配、边检查、边记录。记录人员要听取检查人员的报告,并进行复核,无误后再作记录,在相应的极板外圆作乳头朝向标记。要逐项填写专用的《装配记录表》(见附录表A)。
2.2.4 安装拉紧螺栓
2.2.5  制氢电解槽紧槽  预紧:拧紧螺母时按对角线方向对称进行,每次拧紧量不宜过大,以两人用扳手(不加接长管)为宜。循序渐进,尽量使各螺母间的压紧力差异小些。调整两端螺母,使各螺栓伸出端压板的距离基本相符。然后可用扳手(加接长管)均匀紧槽,每完一遍要测一下两端压板的间距,并作调整,使用两端压板保持相对平行。紧槽时要注意安全,防止槽体倾倒。当碟簧背缝减小至4.5~5mm时,可视为预紧结束,槽体可以放平了。  冷紧:槽体放平后可用拉伸器(或铲车)紧槽,每紧完一遍要测一下两端压板的间距,误差不大于5mm ,以下部间距比上部间距小3mm为佳。紧槽到碟簧背缝在3.0mm时停止紧槽。  制氢电解槽充蒸汽
a)  电解槽进液口装通气法兰和专用胶管。两端排污口接装有阀门的排污胶管。
b)  通气前先将蒸汽管内的污水和铁锈排净,待输出洁净蒸汽后接上专用通气胶管,对槽体通气,从进液口两端进气,从两端氢、氧出气口排气,使槽体较均匀受热。
c)  打开槽体排污阀门,将槽体内水排净,待排出洁净蒸汽后关小阀门,使气体从氢、氧气出口大量排出。
d)蒸汽压力为0.2~0.3Mpa,通气时间为10~12小时,使槽体表温均匀达到100℃±10℃时为宜。  热紧:用拉伸器(或铲车)均匀紧槽,当两端压板之间的间距接近图纸要求尺寸,间距差小于2mm、下部间距比上部间距小于1mm时,停止紧槽。 冷紧:等槽温降至室温时再均匀紧槽,使两端压板间距达到图纸要求。 紧槽时要注意观察局部垫片厚度不得小于2mm。对大槽体(如DQ100、DQ200等)应多次重复上述过程,直至达到图纸要求。
2.2.6 气密试验接气密试验专用法兰和管线,盲死其余气孔、液进出口,按槽体工作压力的1.1倍加压、检漏,保压4小时,以不漏、不降压为合格。
2.2.7  装好槽体各法兰,装铭牌等零件。
2.2.8  制氢电解槽涂漆
1.3 检验、入库
Hydrogen Production Station electrolyzer Overhaul 1, hydrogen production electrolyzer overhaul before the preparation work 1 clean the General Assembly site, flushing auxiliary equipment, to ensure the environmental conditions required for the General Assembly. Be Familiar with the overhaul of hydrogen Electrolyzer, get the complete set of spare parts including purchased parts, standard parts and auxiliary materials for final assembly according to the diagram. 3 complete the repair tools and articles, including the special base, the special wrench, the stretcher, the locating pin, the butter, the rubber glove, the Balsam, the scissors, the copper wire brush and so on. Secondly, disassemble the hydrogen-making electrolyzer in order to loosen the double-headed bolts in even sequence. 1 remove the upper bolt and remove the disc Spring Assembly. Take out the pole box and the pole plate in turn according to the sequence number. All unloaded Poles and plates shall be placed on the board and shall not be stacked to prevent joint damage and deformation of parts. Repair Repair Repair Parts 1. Brush the dirt on the plate with copper wire and rinse with desalting water. 2. Check the corrosion of anode and Cathode. 3. Check and clean the sealing wire. Only use copper wire brush or wooden tools for cleaning. Plate and additional plate should be connected firmly, no loose 4. Nickel plating on anode side of plate has no serious peeling or peeling phenomenon 5. There is no sundry in the sealing line of the plate, and there is no penetrating transverse grain 6. Plate sealing surface shall not exceed 0.2 mm pole frame 1. Rinse the pole frame and asbestos cloth with desalting water and brush with a soft brush 2. Check the airway and Lye duct 3. Clean the sealing wire of the pole box. Only use copper wire brush or wooden tools. Check the condition of asbestos cloth and do ventilation test, if unqualified should be replaced 5. The sealing line of the pole frame is free from dirt and penetrative cross-grain 6. The opening ring of the pole frame is in place, the cushion block is firm, no looseness 7. After the light transmission experiment, asbestos cloth has no light transmission spot, no crack and looseness 8. Pole frame air hole and lye hole without dirt plug, cell accessories 1. Clean and tighten the screw of bolt and nut, remove rust, tighten bolt thread without disorder. 2. Check whether the disc spring deformation, disc spring without deformation, no crack. And do metallographic examination 3. Check bakelite insulation gasket, should not break. To check hydrogen, oxygen, Alkali channels, should be free of dirt, asbestos cloth through light test and installation, through light test 1 will be equipped with asbestos cloth plate frame on the transparency ring barrel, the ring barrel with three 60W light bulbs, lamp distance from the cloth 400mm. When the experiment is carried out, it should be examined in the dark room. If the diameter of the transparent point of asbestos cloth is larger than 0.2 mm, the cotton cloth should be replaced when the number of the transparent point is more than 10, less than this standard can be repaired. Replace 1 place the pole frame on the worktable, put it evenly along the inner diameter of the pole frame, place the opening ring on the Asbestos Cloth, install the asbestos cloth tensioning clamp on the diaphragm frame, and fasten the bolt on the clamp symmetrically, if the difference between the protruding parts of the two side opening rings of each tensioning fixture is not more than 0.5 mm, the installation of asbestos cloth is successful. 2. Trim the asbestos cloth along the inside of the pole frame. Remove the tensioning clamp and gently tap the piece into the opening of the opening ring with a wooden hammer. Remove the fragments of Asbestos cloth from hydrogen, oxygen and Alkali channels and keep them free from blockage. Loosen the bolts evenly and in turn. 11 remove the upper bolt and remove the disc Spring Assembly. Take out the poles and plates in sequence by serial number. All unloaded Poles and plates shall be placed on board and shall not be stacked to prevent joint damage and deformation of parts. 1. Brush the dirt on the plate with copper wire and rinse with desalting water. 2. Check the corrosion of anode and Cathode. 3. Check and clean the sealing wire. Only use copper wire brush or wooden tools for cleaning. Plate and additional plate should be connected firmly, no loose 4. Nickel plating on anode side of plate has no serious peeling or peeling phenomenon 5. There is no sundry in the sealing line of the plate, and there is no penetrating transverse grain 6. Plate sealing surface shall not exceed 0.2 mm pole frame 1. Rinse the pole frame and asbestos cloth with desalting water and brush with a soft brush 2. Check the airway and Lye duct 3. Clean the sealing wire of the pole box. Only use copper wire brush or wooden tools. Check the condition of asbestos cloth and do ventilation test, if unqualified should be replaced 5. The sealing line of the pole frame is free from dirt and penetrative cross-grain 6. The opening ring of the pole frame is in place, the cushion block is firm, no looseness 7. After the light transmission experiment, asbestos cloth has no light transmission spot, no crack and looseness 8. Electrode frame air hole and lye hole, channel no dirt plug three, hydrogen production electrolyzer assembly check electrode plate, right plate, left end pressure plate, right end pressure plate, middle plate and other parts of the sealing line and other appearance damage, after 24 hours of curing, the left pole plate, the right pole plate, the left end pressing plate, the right end pressing plate, the middle plate, to ensure the surface clean, no dirt and oil stains. Then the left pole plate, the right pole plate and so on are respectively placed in the raw material area to be installed. 2.1.5 treatment of Asbestos Diaphragm cloth in hydrogen production electrolyzer, check the Seal and hole of the asbestos diaphragm cloth after overhaul of the hydrogen production electrolyzer without damage or defect, and brush the surface float of the asbestos cloth after soaking in water for 12 hours, soak in water for 24 hours and then check whether there is no rust spot on the asbestos cloth, asbestos cloth and fluoroplastic Lamination have no obvious asbestos fluff. There are floating fluff to continue to scrub, rust spots to carefully check the existence of iron filings, take iron filings to prevent the penetration of asbestos cloth, all those who have been confirmed unqualified asbestos diaphragm cloth should make a mark back, and fill up the quantity, according to the above procedures to scrub again. Finally, Soak them all in clean water to be filled. 2.1.6 treatment of Nickel Wire Mesh in hydrogen production cell check that the Mesh is free of defects and pat it flat with aluminum row. soak the positive electrode net in water, clean the dirt with a brush and soak in clean water. prepare 8 ~ 12% NAOH aqueous solution (check by hydrometer) , it is better to submerge the negative electrode net. The anode net was immersed into the alkaline solution at a rate of 2 ~ 3 tablets per time and every 2 ~ 3 minutes. The negative net is dipped in lye for 24 hours, then taken out and washed, then soaked in clean water to be packed. Note: Lye Pool in the preparation of liquid to thoroughly clean, clean, pay attention to safety, preparation of boric acid water solution reserve, wear protective equipment. No fireworks on the spot, pay attention to the environment ventilation. 2.1.7 after cleaning the threaded parts of the tightening bolts and nuts, butter them, then try and install the screw thread and select the fitting. It is suitable to fit the screw thread tightly and make the matching mark or combination to be installed. 2.1.8 check the disc spring, guide sleeve and guide ring for defects and scrub them clean. According to the drawing requirements of the disc Spring Group number and sheet number set on the guide sleeve, the final set on the guide ring, according to the group storage to be installed. 2.1.9 insulation bushing shall be cut according to the drawing and prepared into required length and stored in groups for loading.
2.2 The final assembly of the hydrogen production electrolyzer shall be divided into groups by the person in charge of the final assembly of the hydrogen production electrolyzer. First, all the parts and sub-assemblies to be installed shall be counted. 2.2.1 tasks performed by each group Plate Group: Prepare a clean platform, put on a rubber plate, a clean brush, cotton yarn, cotton wool, brush to remove dust on the plate. Wipe the surface with alcohol oil stains, rust spots. According to the left pole plate, the right pole plate is placed respectively, according to the requirements of the stack. Nickel Mesh set: prepare a clean platform, brush, rubber gloves, scissors, etc. . Check and trim the spikes and knots of the Nickel Mesh and stack them on the platform. When installing the negative electrode net, the activation surface should be identified, and the positive and negative sides should be laid out according to the requirements of the Assembly Group for Assembly. When the size of nickel screen needs to be trimmed, it should be removed from the groove body to trim, and remove the residual wire broken on the screen. gaskets: check the gaskets for defects at any time during the assembly process, brush them to remove dirt, and hand them over to assembly. Assembly Group: Prepare Special Base, locating ring and locating pin, and assemble according to the drawing under the command of the chief of final assembly. 2.2.2 hydrogen production electrolyzer overhaul stack installation in hydrogen production electrolyzer overhaul General Assembly under the command of the person in charge, according to the sequence of parts stack. Operation should be taken lightly, so as to avoid parts dislocation. The stacking sequence is as follows: The left end of the PAD is as follows: (dry, center cut, pasted on the end of the pad) the diaphragm is as (center cut) The left end of the pad is as (active face up) the pad is as (inserted into the PAD) , take the locating ring to the left plate (opposite Nipple) , keeping the positive electrode net below... 2.2 hydrogen production cell Overhaul Assembly, division of Labor by hydrogen production cell overhaul assembly person in charge, start by taking inventory of all parts to be loaded and small assemblies. 2.2.1 tasks performed by each group Plate Group: Prepare a clean platform, put on a rubber plate, a clean brush, cotton yarn, cotton wool, brush to remove dust on the plate. Wipe the surface with alcohol oil stains, rust spots. According to the left pole plate, the right pole plate is placed respectively, according to the requirements of the stack. Nickel Mesh set: prepare a clean platform, brush, rubber gloves, scissors, etc. . Check and trim the spikes and knots of the Nickel Mesh and stack them on the platform. When installing the negative electrode net, the activation surface should be identified, and the positive and negative sides should be laid out according to the requirements of the Assembly Group for Assembly. When the size of nickel screen needs to be trimmed, it should be removed from the groove body to trim, and remove the residual wire broken on the screen. gaskets: check the gaskets for defects at any time during the assembly process, brush them to remove dirt, and hand them over to assembly. Assembly Group: Prepare Special Base, locating ring and locating pin, and assemble according to the drawing under the command of the chief of final assembly. 2.2.2 hydrogen production electrolyzer overhaul stack installation in hydrogen production electrolyzer overhaul General Assembly under the command of the person in charge, according to the sequence of parts stack. Operation should be taken lightly, so as to avoid parts dislocation. The stacking sequence is as follows: The left end of the PAD is as follows: (dry, center cut, pasted on the end of the pad) the diaphragm is as (center cut) The left end of the pad is as (active face up) the pad is as (inserted into the PAD) , take off the retainer ring, a left polar plate (opposite Nipple) , notice to keep the lower positive plate position stationary... repeat to the left plate to complete the intermediate plate. Notice to keep the lower positive plate position stationary. Notice to take down the positioner (activation face down) . Notice to keep the lower negative plate position stationary... . Follow this cycle to the right plate. In the stacking process, the length of the locating pin shall not exceed half of the PIN, and pay attention to observe whether the pressed piece has fallen off or dropped in the hole slot. After the stack, carefully check the gasket and positive, negative grid is just used up, if there is an error, to find out the cause, otherwise you must disassemble to check. 2.2.3 assembly records: Special Person shall be set up to inspect and record the assembly, Inspection and record at the same time. The recording personnel shall listen to the inspector's report and check it, make a record after it is correct, and mark the nipple orientation on the outer circle of the corresponding plate. The Special "assembly record form" (see appendix table a) should be filled in item by item. 2.2.4 install the tensioning bolt, insert the tensioning Bolt into the end plate hole from above, install the insulating sleeve and exit through the plate hole at the other end, then install the insulating ring, the guiding ring and the disc spring guiding sleeve assembly at the two ends of the tensioning Bolt respectively, screw on the nut and tighten it by hand. 2.2.5 pretightening pretightening 2.2.5 pretightening 2.2.5 pretightening 2.5 pretightening 2.2.5 pretightening 2.2.5 pretightening 2.2.5 pretightening 2.2.5 pretightening 2.2.5 pretightening pretightening pretightening pretightening 2. Step by step, as far as possible between the different nut pressure smaller. Adjust the two end nuts, so that the bolt out of the end of the pressure plate basically consistent with the distance. Then use wrench (add long pipe) uniform tight groove, each time to measure the distance between the two ends of the pressure plate, and make adjustments, the use of the two ends of the pressure plate to maintain a relative parallel. Pay attention to safety when tight GROOVE, prevent tank body to pour. When the disc spring back seam is reduced to 4.5 ~ 5mm, it can be regarded as the end of pre-tightening and the slot body can be flattened. cold tightness: After the GROOVE body is flattened, use a stretcher (or forklift) to tighten the groove. Measure the distance between the two ends of the platen every time the groove is finished. The error is not more than 5 mm. The distance between the lower part and the upper part is better than 3 mm. Close the slot to the disc spring back seam stop the close slot at 3.0 mm. aeration flanges and special rubber hose for the liquid inlet of the steam-filled a cell for hydrogen production. The two end blowdown ports are connected with the blowdown rubber pipes with valves. B before ventilation, exhaust the sewage and rust in the steam pipe, connect the special-purpose ventilation hose after the output of clean steam, ventilate the tank body, from the two ends of the liquid inlet inlet, from the two ends of the hydrogen, oxygen outlet exhaust, so that the tank body more evenly heated. C Open the tank sewage valve, the tank water discharge, to be discharged after the clean steam shut down the valve, so that the gas from the hydrogen, oxygen export a large number of discharge. D steam pressure is 0.2 ~ 0.3 MPA, aeration time is 10 ~ 12 hours. It is suitable to make the surface temperature of tank reach 100 °C 10 °C. heat-tight: use a stretcher (or forklift) to uniformly tighten the groove. When the distance between the two end platens is close to the drawing size, the distance is less than 2 mm, and the distance between the lower part is less than 1 mm than the distance between the upper part, stop tightening the groove. cold tightness: When the groove temperature drops to room temperature, then uniformly tighten the groove, so that the distance between the two ends of the platen can meet the drawing requirements. note that the thickness of the local gasket shall not be less than 2 mm when the groove is tightened. The large slot body (such as DQ100, DQ200, etc.) should repeat the above process many times until the drawing requirements are met. 2.2.6 gas tightness test special flange and pipeline, blind dead the other air hole, liquid inlet and outlet, according to 1.1 times the working pressure of the tank body pressure, leak detection, keep pressure for 4 hours, with no leakage, no depressurization to pass. 2.2.7 install the flange of the groove body, install the nameplate and other parts. 2.2.8 paint for hydrogen-producing Electrolyzer, clear all surfaces of end press plate, apply antirust paint and scrape putty on the outside. Silver Resin paint is applied to the side of the end pressing plate and red resin paint is applied to the rib cavity of the end pressing plate. 1.3 inspection, warehousing, self-inspection, the assembly records to the quality management department. Inform the quality control department to carry out quality inspection of the Electrolyzer, and the full-time quality inspectors can also carry out simultaneous inspection during the assembly process. After passing the issue of certificates, vouchers into the warehouse.

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